The Lamia Harlot Speaks! Headline Animator

The Lamia Hiss

The Lamia Harlot Hissing.

I make various off colour jokes on social ideas and constructs that seem weird or off to me. Possibly remarking why I cannot confess to being human really--humans make no sense to me. Typically including my ideas and thoughts on these rather weird ideas, conclusion jumping to the left, as I step around to the right to see what people are thinking here. Then I thrust some mind viruses in to really drive you insane.

But you know what? I just know history will repeat itself again.

Hope you enjoy me bitching people out.


Pretentious reply answered with pretentious reply

Because these comments are the sort who get deleted right after being posted--due to being hilarious.

Here is two comments from the comments on The Most Transphobic You Will Read This Week. Which I obviously have been working to hold that position for years now.

Catalina Payne ·

Stefanie Daniella

1) being a Transgendered Lesbian with an IQ above the range of what is usually possible to human capabilities, I have learned to understand what is past most people's ability to not have their eyes blur over and just start nodding.

Everything you have said is NOT simple English. It is the exact opposite. It is the exact sort of stuff I'd say only if I wanted to come off as a complete, excuse my proper use of simple English here, a "cvnt".

In fact, I doubt you'd recognise simple English, if it wore an Irish football jersey and you agreed to call him "Dad".

2) There is a reason the original bibles were written in Greek (known as a "real language" and hebrew a language that sounds only like "bar bar bar"). Also, considering the Bible was written around 120AD... before that it was merely memetic in its telling for about seven to eight generations of story telling.

Have you ever played the game "grape vine" or "telephone"... EVERYTHING written down in the New Testament is this. Telling yourself otherwise is just silly.

3) Considering Christianity only gained a foot hold, after the traitor Ceasar Constatine saw a comet show, and put a cross onto his shield, and won a battle, then proceeded to kill anybody who questioned his judgement in how he followed the deity... gonna say the Catholic Church had a very rocky start. Especially in that they killed anybody who disagreed on how they followed Yahweh.

This is a bad start... as anything before this is just spinning tires. Having your brakes on can make your time machine make a cool noise... but it does nothing to promote movement.

4) When you either resort to large words to exercise your tongue in hopes it might make another woman think it might do good for diving (it at least would get you to shut up). Your only other option seems to be to insult people... who just do not seem to get you.

You now have somebody, who when tested on what the limits of her intelligence was, all tests came back inconclusive, as the limits did not seem in the intelligent limits of humans, who is telling you, "you sound like an idiot". Those big words confuse me, as largely, they are meaningless, and based on racist research. There only purpose is to make you feel superior, without giving you any call to have earned that feeling. That is the only reason the words you use exist. There is no further meaning behind them.

5) One, I am offended that anybody would use "positive" in any kind of good context. I for one, do not want to be positive of any sense in this rainbow alphabet soup.

I do want to be helpful, and willing to move with the best foot forward. Which tends to put me at odds with members of the community who love to believe "any ol' foot will do, we are the victims here, right?". Especially when my main goal is to try to tell members, "hey, watch where you step?! Just cause bad stuff happened to us, does not make it so we are automatically the good guys here. We may be the tomato in the mirror."

So, yes--I do come across as an enemy of the Rainbow Alphabet Soup communities. Yes, I am what the literal version of a "lesbian in a man's body" is actually a picture off... those douche bags in the bar, you are to ask them when they will be chopping off their bits. No, really--I hate those guys SO MUCH.

There is plenty of good reasons I do not automatically eat up everything the rainbow alphabet soup does because IT IS GAY! IT MUST BE GOOD!

A) Pride Parades made teasing get worse for me as a child. I find it hard to believe how anybody figured parading the worst stereotypes in a single place to celebrate it would STOP teasing. No, it just gave the kids ammo... lots and lots of brightly coloured tights wearing ammo with butterfly wings attached in tightie whities.

B) I came out as transgendered... I got raped by trannies. It was my fault an entire city's transgendered community tore apart: because I did not know what roofies were. Wonderful thing to have on your conscious and try to tell yourself, "this community cannot possibly be silly or wrong."

C) I do not understand how the Vagina Monologues or painting large amounts of pictures of my genitals... or the genitals of anybody else is actually helping. Hell, if there were Penis Monologues, I'd consider them just as retarded... as would anybody with an IQ point average above 50... hell even former President Bush would understand this as not a good idea... and be right.

D) Men are not the cause of the world's problems. Douche Baggery extends all race, creeds, nationalities and ideas of thought. I do love how effective you make this point to all those present, Stefanie. I do not dislike you because you are a lesbian or Catholic. I dislike you because you are honestly, a detestable person. I am fairly certain that there are awesome members of your goals. You are not one of them. Thus I do not respond in a helpful manner when I converse with you.

E) there are many cases and items in the Rainbow Alphabet Soup that are quite honestly horrible ideas. There needs to be people to point out, "you know... this MIGHT be a bad idea"... even if it gets us labeled as transphobic or homophobic. I'd rather be considered intelligent, than an enabler to stupidity.


In short, you are the sort of feel good twat, who is more interested in how her ovaries feel by moving your tongue back and forth, imagining the feeling you got the first time you had sex that was not in the missionary position for procreation while Jesus watched (to make sure it was done right)... than actually being effective and helping the community. Any element that allows your tongue to waggle, is an excuse for you to claim being helpful.

When it comes down to actually helping the community, I will be ready. In fact, talking with you, has given me a strange urge to wield a spanner. And to learn enough mechanics to obtain a position as a motorcycle mechanic for an alibi... suddenly, this stereotype makes sense. People who think that maybe, if you just make the target get you to shut up and put your lips to a good place, do seem quite present in the Rainbow Alphabet Soup community.. that these other stereotypes are starting to make sense to me now.

Either way: please, please... stop waggling that tongue... nobody wants you to go down on them... they might just tell you to, to get you to shut the fvck up, you stupid vapid tart.

I would ask you grow a brain... but I am not certain stupid could be cured here. Is there a Dr. House nearby? It might be actually be Lupis!

Catalina Payne

Stefanie Daniella never before has a woman gave me an urge to lumberjack, quite like you have. This is NOT a good thing.


Empathy Explained with Biology (Hypothesis)

Well, there is a chance I am delusional and completely putting this together wrong. Which at the end of the day, that is how I usually am anyways. I have figured out how the psionic idea of empathy may in fact have a biological functionality to its working. Further more, this hypothesis explains the rise in Autism by a rouge DNA strand that is created by having large cities.

Let us go down this rabbit hole of madness shall we (what? I read this blog too you know, I cannot even suggest anything here is sane or reasonable).

They have done research that have found subaural noise, that is noise below what our ears can pick up and detect, do influence our mood state. It has been done to for crowd control, allegedly. Somebody apparently took the Machiavellian Prince far too seriously here. Why would making a lynch mob scared disperse it? Wouldn't that escalate that situation? Wait... isn't London using this for crowd control? My response is... why not just figure out what subaural noise makes people really happy and pleasant... and point that at crowds you want to control. I think it is hard to riot when people are pleasant against their normal peace and will... but I may be weird. Or know too many stoners (A stoner riot? Whhhaaaa?).

Now, meanwhile, in Japan, as a standard Japanese Research Product, a Scientist is playing happy music to water... then flash freezing it. Or just having happy people around water. Angry people around water--or just having himself feeling "positive" or "negative". Then flash freezing it, and noticing, positive emotions crystalise different from negative ones.

Going out onto a limb here, but fluid works as a great medium for sound waves. Including ones that are below what we can hear. The subaural frequencies being too low for our ear to hear, would influence how the water crystalise by way of the water being a medium for the sound wave.

The human body is comprised of a fair amount of water--or fluid based on a hydrogen hydroxide solute at a fair rate. Water could be vibrated to produce subaural waves. As the Japanese researcher has shown, water can also be used to receive these waves. Most of the body has nervous tissue structures that could produce enough electrical current, to make the water in the body produce subaural waves, to those around it.

Essentially putting emotional states as a starfish language that worked mostly on "there is food that way" and "we are food that way" dynamics, from before animals had faces or any other way to communicate such items on them.

Based on how DNA has been found to work, on that it simple goes, "does this not kill a species" "yes, keep it", "no, toss it". Making it so that any addition if it comes across as benign, it usually stays in the DNA for some time to come... as well as stuff that helps creatures live and function. It is only if it ends up killing creatures faster than they can reproduce, that it really goes away.

There really is no reason to say such a communication method, based on nervous system structures and vibration of water molecules using low amounts of electrical current would no longer exist... if it ever had before.

This would explain those freaky deaky hippies talking about "empathy" and "how it feels", in a way that does not have me come across as a complete tool. As I care about that idea. At the simplest level, it just means empathetic people are just not as deaf as the rest of the population to this concept. It also allows a way to honestly measure how something feels in a scientific manner. Just fashion together a structure to work as a subaural receiver and observe what frequencies tend to induce what feelings (making notes for the mental health, and place of original) in certain subjects.. with little to no other noise present... and you can measure, "yes, that crystal does feel happy".

The thing is, I do believe in preternatural and supernatural items... I just really hate calling them "psychic" or "magic". Being an "empath" myself (that is, having the water structure in my body more sensitive to the sub aural frequencies coming from other persons... and not psychic or in touch with my aura). This may also explain what an "aura" is... and put people who see it, as having sensual dissonance. The mental illness that has people see music, without ever taking LSD. Probably screwed up the name.... I just think "that thing, that has people smell colours, without LSD... making it much harder to function."... but that is wordy, and people complain when I do not use the right sterile medical shorthand.

Now, I am going to describe the REAL crazy part here: how this relates to the rise of Autism cases. This is likely the fictional portion that I am very much wrong on... and am only a crazed lunatic.

There is a sizable population in the Autism groups, that what happened was the general noise and emotions of the room itself is much louder for them, than others. A smile that is quiet to most... is a shout for them. They mostly handle this by shutting off all input of the emotional type. Forcing themselves to be deaf, dumb and blind to all around... just to function in the world. Akin to The Who's Tommy conceptual album character... just with emotions and not literal sight and sound.

Again, going with the DNA notion that if there is no reason to remove a genetic trait, it stays in, and the fact we are dealing with Hive environments, rather than Pack environments. The human mind, can only handle ~200 "People", beyond that, it only can put these people shaped objects as statistics. This brain based function is why if you kill one person, you are a murder.. but if you kill a thousand, you are a hero. As a thousand is a statistic--which is very true. Try throwing rapid numbers of how many are dead or influenced... then try naming a specific person and describing their habits. Which is more effective? Having a poster child (or representative stereotype) usually is.

Now we as a society are living in conditions that have far more than the ~200 "People" our minds can handle. And more so: it is impossible to go BACK to having on ~200 people.

Now, moving onto the controversial biology subject of Super Organisms, there may be a dormant genetic trait that under certain conditions create Super Organism type characteristics.

There are plenty of genetic traits in all of humanity that do not turn on, or activate unless certain stimuli exists. These do not do anything as far as super powers are concerned... unless you consider being homosexual is a super power (Commissioner David of the Fashion Police called! Quick Robin--TO THE MAKE OVER MOBILE!). Homosexuality is a fertility gene that under certain stimuli will result in a gay individual. However: removal of the gene itself, would cause a drop in fertility in the heterosexual population to the point of near species extinction... and attempting to remove the stimuli that produce homosexuality, would create a psychological situation that INCREASES how many homosexuals are produced by the current ambient stimuli.

Hey, gay people: you are the reason the breeders can function. Take that in your pipe and smoke it... oh... wait... raging dyke here... damn hypocritical statements.

Likely Autism could be used to describe how Super Organism structures start and create. By creating a situation with more population that each member can hold at its "pack level" identity, that the population need to look at, could result in an increase of this genetic trait activating, that makes the entire emotional environment louder for one of the local members.

Such a louder trait, would allow that member to make that cluster of people its own organism, that is, have a crowd become one person in a group. Each person is an extension of the congeal super person.

Unfortunately, people are quite a bit different from ants or bees. The mental and emotional structures and pathways in bees and ants, are not at the same level as various larger mammal populations. Even more so, there have not been any sizable pool of major species that have grouped together larger than what their minds can handle, apart from humans and possibly rats.

Humans, due to a fvckload of emotional trauma we all deal with as part of life... are more emotionally screwed up, as we enter adolescence... never mind approaching adult hood. Which causes the Austism Super Person trigger to not be beneficial when its stimuli is present. That is, yes, it works for ants... but you know what? Fvcking Ants!

This would allow to explain how empathic individuals who have a fair amount of ability to control and handle the incoming emotional stresses, tend to also be able to lead and develop. By having this trigger activate, with stimuli that does not have the trigger backfire (think of it like a weapon that 9 times out of 10 blows up in your face)... the seem to control other people, like they are not other people, but just part of their own person.

The main item here, would be for me to figure out a way to properly research this stuff. As even if I am wrong... looking into this, would be beneficial to crowd control, civil engineering, super organism hypothesis (even if nonconclusive, it is helpful data), mental health for people with items on the Autism spectrum. No matter how fvcking nuts this idea is.


On Over Reacting

It has come to my attention that people tend to see my rants as long amounts of over reacting. Currently, I do not have my actual website up (Currently? Isn't that redundant at this point?). So I will be posting this blog entry here, on Blogger.

I must not concur with the idea I over react... my responses and measures are entirely valid for the position being given.

Let's take the common example of some jack off parking in a handicapped parking zone. The guy is perfectly capable and healthy. No major mental problems or physical problems. He might even be a dry waller. Yet, he parks in the spot, as he cannot be bothered to walk to that spot. Having somebody with motion issues, like a walker, having to walk from the far end of the parking lot.

This is something that I'd like to see sharks involved as the proper level of response. It will take a while, of course--giving him plenty of time to incur many more infractions on my completely proportion vengence's whims. The sharks will need to be conditioned to swimming in salted lemon water. With a fair amount of lemon juice, salt--and maybe mercury content. This will take a little while to accustom the sharks to this kind of living environment.

Once this is set up, the criminal will be fitted in a swimsuit made from poison nettles. Specificially a women's 1800s swimsuit (complete with umbrella) will be fashioned from poison nettles. The criminal will be forced to wear this, no matter what his gender identity was. Then forced to play a few good games of Women's Field Hockey.

Now, if you are not familiar with the sport... it is the most manly sport ever devised, Women's Field Hockey. The sorts to play it, are usually construction workers, lumber jacks, drive big trucks and have an impressive flannel shirt collection. They also are very interested in other women's sexual organs... which again is very manly. The sport is one with more physical contact than ice hockey. There is a point to the game... but it can be hard to decern between the canes, hard rubber ball--and the rough conduct.

Now the women playing this manly sport of violence would best be suited as having their grumpy time. This tends to allow for any injuries of the man to be met with response such as, "look, you want to know pain? Try having a child. Stop whining about your fractured rib cage and sprained waist." Should the criminal be a woman, this little addition may not add quite as much.

During this whole time, the criminal will have Henry Kissinger narrate the whole events, and give his personal commentary on the actions. Margret Atwood will also be instructed to talk about how much she hates men. This usually involves personal antidotes about clothing and previous times with men she has known. True to the Atwood needs, a small microphone will be fitting in the criminal's ears to get most of what Atwood is saying. It will miss bits and pieces and make the voice sound just slightly off. With a slight buzzing the whole time.

Then after the whole game is done, the criminal is to swim with the Salt Lemon Water Mercury Laden Sharks. They will give a few playful nibbles and possibly eat him alive. He is to allow this, as the still talking Henry Kissinger and Margret Atwood will tell him not to bother the sharks as they are endangered species and much more beautiful creatures than the criminal will ever be. Telling them not to eat him, may stress the sharks. They are also lemon scented.

Now, this will seem like hell. As it would have to be. It is more properly called Tartarus. It is not possible for these all to be together, as the sharks are endangered species. Having the Field Hockey game nearby these sharks, and the Atwood involvement would ultimately have PETA and several other animal organisations onto our asses, for some very just worthy causes, due to our improper treatment of the sharks.

This being Tartarus, the criminal will have survived the eating by the sharks, as this fits as his eternal punishment for parking in a handicapped parking zone improperly. This is not an over reaction as after his day is over, he can relax with a nice cup of tea.

Now, had I made him have to get something from Starbucks we are moving into over reacting.

That is, after his day of perfectly acceptable torture for his heinous crimes, he has to go into Starbucks (the only place to get coffee in Tartarus), and order in broken Italian some poorly brewed coffee. The guy would get mild distain, as he cannot understand true coffee, and probably enjoys dish water. Sure the coffee has a few issues. That is because the local roaster is in Seattle, and the roasted beans are shipped to Tartarus from Seattle. The coffee is clearly awesome as you have to order it with very very bad Italian sounding phrases and pay ten dollars for what may possibly qualify as a small--but if you call it that, you cannot get by to get the coffee. If you were to drink the Seattle stuff, it would be too awesome for you to comprehend.

The person seems to hold himself as better than you, as while drinking your over cooked coffee, with old roasted beans, that was made in the morning and has not been changed since this morning, your only entertainment are Joe Biden frames of him eating a sandwich. These frames will be told why they are good, and why they are crap, as only a true connoisseur could tell the quality of them. The criminal will not want to interrupt so as to be seen as rude in such a situation.

In the case the criminal tries to mention what kind of day he has, the person tending the coffee will get irritated, and tell him everybody has horrible days in Tartarus. He spent his entire day trying to get his thick rimmed glasses positioned on his nose right. While listening to music that you might have heard of, and the bands are in danger of showing up on Wikipedia. Having to laud at the fact Tumblr might no longer be obscure. That the criminal's complaints are completely unwarranted--and him paying no mind to what the criminal seems to have had to go through.

This BTW is the punishment for Hipsters... to spend eternity as a Hipster in Tartarus. The rest is not added... it is just them being a Hipster and being tortured forever in Tartarus (you probably do not even know what Tartarus is).

Now adding this Starbucks and not allowing them a nice tea... that is over reacting. I'll thank you to know the difference!

I do not over react in my responses.


Oh dear sweet merciless Eris, my inbox is full of flirty messages...


What was your favorite book as a child?

... Sam the Cat Detective. Yeah, I know--I am starting to suspect I was VERY special as a child. Special with a capital "R".

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

By realising we created the terrorists. The Cold War had NATO fighting the Warsaw Pact countries unofficially in these people's houses, living rooms and backyards. It is like me and a friend showed up at your house, trashed the place, ran off and stuck you with the bill.

You'd have every right to be upset at both of us. Then when one ends up falling on hard times, you are not going to be that angry with them.

First, we need to admit, that NATO's foreign policy is what created this mess. By trying to apply NATO even more to "fix" it, makes about as much sense as using a mallet to fix a ming vase by smashing it. Heck, another of these whacks, and it should stop breaking, and become fixed, right?

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Do you believe in angels?

Yes... and I hate the bloody gits.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

What's your biggest phobia?

I... do not have a biggest phobia. The world is scary to just wander around outside in. I need to do it, just to be productive. When everything scares the shit out of you, nothing seems really that scary anymore. All fears are just status quo--that I need to wander around in, just to be functional.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

Kill yourself. No really... life is going to start sucking, and start sucking big time.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

What did you eat for breakfast today?

... look, I didn't post it on Twitter... and isn't this what Twitter is for? Seriously guys, stick to your own strengths!

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

My own? If this is question is asking if I can only attend one person's birthday party from now on.. it would definitely be my own. Any other answer would be silly.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

Well, at least one planet needs to have it.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Yes, but in full honesty, the term "ghost" is in and of itself misleading.

There are poltergeist which are the psychological manifestation of stress. Typically where somebody is so stressed out, it affects the environment to make it seem like fire, lightning or things are moving about in an odd fashion. Whereas it is likely the stress of the situation itself is mostly what is causing most of these occurances.

There are emotional imprints, where an emotional event happened with so much force, that to all those that are there, they seem to think they can see it. Usually some battle or what not--or some extreme event.

Of course moving into more real ghosts, you have ethereal husks. The Ethereal body is what allows the Astral self to attach to the Physical self. The Astral self is able to make multiple Ethereal bodies and move them independantly of one another. Typically these are shed when the person dies, after the body itself. Usually the job of the psychopomp for this particular one. The Ethereal body eventual gets eaten by nearby creatures.

Then we get in Demons. The term Demons simply refers to any spirit that does not have the rights to be in this realm. Not just fallen angels--but any spirit on this plane, that does not have proper clearance.

Good enough answer?

As per why I know this information--mostly to properly confirm paranormal cases with the utmost skeptical ability. As most cases are fiction--but with this cultural knowledge, it makes it a bit easier to confirm what is going on--or most likely, not going on.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango


Do you like anal sex? Do you have any anal toys?

This is a tough one... as I would normally enjoy it. Being such a tight arse makes this not an easy thing for me to do, in reality. So to actually get it into my arse, it takes an insane amount of lube, playing and well--apparently gay bathhouses have a scented aroma that relaxes arse muscles. Which is not something that is really shared outside those sorts of groups (I learned by accident). Though, to get a penis of average male girth into my arse, I kind of had to do enough of that aroma stuff that I had issues moving my arm and leg muscles during the act... which, in full honesty, the lack of ability to move on my own free will just made the act even hotter... I am kind of fvcked up, I think.

On the anal toys thing... I really do not have any toys right now. It would be nice if I did. However, the first toy I am looking into is the Magic Bullet. So that I can go into the kicked and get an awesome tossed salad... or just use it for orgasming elsewhere. I heard there was a similar item called the Baby Bullet. Which either is a vibrator for a small child... or an erotic home abortion sex toy. However, with what is on the internet, nothing surprises me any more.

But yeah, maybe after I get a Magic Bullet, I might start to look into beads (never actually tried them... well... not recently, I did once about seven years ago). Not certain a buttplug really makes sense to me. It is a tad bit unfortunate that I honestly have issues listing sex toys, outside of Dildos, Beads, Positional Vibrators (like the Magic Bullet) and Plugs, without moving into silly stuff like fuzzy handcuffs, feathers, whips, chains, etc. As I honestly doubt there is nothing between those two steps.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Would you consider yourself a sexual deviant?

Well, considering I can explain why and how "vanilla sex" (sex between a man and his wife in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation while Jesus watches) is the most fvcked up and kink filled sex out there.. and list the long list of fetish activities present in it...

Yes, but only because you cannot have sex, and not be a sexual deviant. Hell, even in NOT having sex, you are still a sexual deviant.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Hey people, ask me something that will have me ranting angry like at your person... or something

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

Buster's Pizza... I think. I really do not worry about best place. If there is a place, and it has Pizza--it is good enough for me. Why compete beyond that?

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango


What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

... I am suppose to laugh at Youtube videos? Are you sure about this? Really?

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Ok so I have a crush on U.. I made a profile at this site go there sign up and search for KatrinaTheLamia and guess who I am

... right... it is wonderful that spam bots have now started to visit Formspring. Look, if I wanted quick cash, I'd probably just smack my face in with a good solid stick. As these quick money things only ever result in scams...

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Would you rather take a picture or have your picture taken?

I actually enjoy having my picture taken... I am just that much of a camwhore it seems... o.o'

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango