The Lamia Harlot Speaks! Headline Animator

The Lamia Hiss

The Lamia Harlot Hissing.

I make various off colour jokes on social ideas and constructs that seem weird or off to me. Possibly remarking why I cannot confess to being human really--humans make no sense to me. Typically including my ideas and thoughts on these rather weird ideas, conclusion jumping to the left, as I step around to the right to see what people are thinking here. Then I thrust some mind viruses in to really drive you insane.

But you know what? I just know history will repeat itself again.

Hope you enjoy me bitching people out.
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts


Pretentious reply answered with pretentious reply

Because these comments are the sort who get deleted right after being posted--due to being hilarious.

Here is two comments from the comments on The Most Transphobic You Will Read This Week. Which I obviously have been working to hold that position for years now.

Catalina Payne ·

Stefanie Daniella

1) being a Transgendered Lesbian with an IQ above the range of what is usually possible to human capabilities, I have learned to understand what is past most people's ability to not have their eyes blur over and just start nodding.

Everything you have said is NOT simple English. It is the exact opposite. It is the exact sort of stuff I'd say only if I wanted to come off as a complete, excuse my proper use of simple English here, a "cvnt".

In fact, I doubt you'd recognise simple English, if it wore an Irish football jersey and you agreed to call him "Dad".

2) There is a reason the original bibles were written in Greek (known as a "real language" and hebrew a language that sounds only like "bar bar bar"). Also, considering the Bible was written around 120AD... before that it was merely memetic in its telling for about seven to eight generations of story telling.

Have you ever played the game "grape vine" or "telephone"... EVERYTHING written down in the New Testament is this. Telling yourself otherwise is just silly.

3) Considering Christianity only gained a foot hold, after the traitor Ceasar Constatine saw a comet show, and put a cross onto his shield, and won a battle, then proceeded to kill anybody who questioned his judgement in how he followed the deity... gonna say the Catholic Church had a very rocky start. Especially in that they killed anybody who disagreed on how they followed Yahweh.

This is a bad start... as anything before this is just spinning tires. Having your brakes on can make your time machine make a cool noise... but it does nothing to promote movement.

4) When you either resort to large words to exercise your tongue in hopes it might make another woman think it might do good for diving (it at least would get you to shut up). Your only other option seems to be to insult people... who just do not seem to get you.

You now have somebody, who when tested on what the limits of her intelligence was, all tests came back inconclusive, as the limits did not seem in the intelligent limits of humans, who is telling you, "you sound like an idiot". Those big words confuse me, as largely, they are meaningless, and based on racist research. There only purpose is to make you feel superior, without giving you any call to have earned that feeling. That is the only reason the words you use exist. There is no further meaning behind them.

5) One, I am offended that anybody would use "positive" in any kind of good context. I for one, do not want to be positive of any sense in this rainbow alphabet soup.

I do want to be helpful, and willing to move with the best foot forward. Which tends to put me at odds with members of the community who love to believe "any ol' foot will do, we are the victims here, right?". Especially when my main goal is to try to tell members, "hey, watch where you step?! Just cause bad stuff happened to us, does not make it so we are automatically the good guys here. We may be the tomato in the mirror."

So, yes--I do come across as an enemy of the Rainbow Alphabet Soup communities. Yes, I am what the literal version of a "lesbian in a man's body" is actually a picture off... those douche bags in the bar, you are to ask them when they will be chopping off their bits. No, really--I hate those guys SO MUCH.

There is plenty of good reasons I do not automatically eat up everything the rainbow alphabet soup does because IT IS GAY! IT MUST BE GOOD!

A) Pride Parades made teasing get worse for me as a child. I find it hard to believe how anybody figured parading the worst stereotypes in a single place to celebrate it would STOP teasing. No, it just gave the kids ammo... lots and lots of brightly coloured tights wearing ammo with butterfly wings attached in tightie whities.

B) I came out as transgendered... I got raped by trannies. It was my fault an entire city's transgendered community tore apart: because I did not know what roofies were. Wonderful thing to have on your conscious and try to tell yourself, "this community cannot possibly be silly or wrong."

C) I do not understand how the Vagina Monologues or painting large amounts of pictures of my genitals... or the genitals of anybody else is actually helping. Hell, if there were Penis Monologues, I'd consider them just as retarded... as would anybody with an IQ point average above 50... hell even former President Bush would understand this as not a good idea... and be right.

D) Men are not the cause of the world's problems. Douche Baggery extends all race, creeds, nationalities and ideas of thought. I do love how effective you make this point to all those present, Stefanie. I do not dislike you because you are a lesbian or Catholic. I dislike you because you are honestly, a detestable person. I am fairly certain that there are awesome members of your goals. You are not one of them. Thus I do not respond in a helpful manner when I converse with you.

E) there are many cases and items in the Rainbow Alphabet Soup that are quite honestly horrible ideas. There needs to be people to point out, "you know... this MIGHT be a bad idea"... even if it gets us labeled as transphobic or homophobic. I'd rather be considered intelligent, than an enabler to stupidity.


In short, you are the sort of feel good twat, who is more interested in how her ovaries feel by moving your tongue back and forth, imagining the feeling you got the first time you had sex that was not in the missionary position for procreation while Jesus watched (to make sure it was done right)... than actually being effective and helping the community. Any element that allows your tongue to waggle, is an excuse for you to claim being helpful.

When it comes down to actually helping the community, I will be ready. In fact, talking with you, has given me a strange urge to wield a spanner. And to learn enough mechanics to obtain a position as a motorcycle mechanic for an alibi... suddenly, this stereotype makes sense. People who think that maybe, if you just make the target get you to shut up and put your lips to a good place, do seem quite present in the Rainbow Alphabet Soup community.. that these other stereotypes are starting to make sense to me now.

Either way: please, please... stop waggling that tongue... nobody wants you to go down on them... they might just tell you to, to get you to shut the fvck up, you stupid vapid tart.

I would ask you grow a brain... but I am not certain stupid could be cured here. Is there a Dr. House nearby? It might be actually be Lupis!

Catalina Payne

Stefanie Daniella never before has a woman gave me an urge to lumberjack, quite like you have. This is NOT a good thing.


Empathy Explained with Biology (Hypothesis)

Well, there is a chance I am delusional and completely putting this together wrong. Which at the end of the day, that is how I usually am anyways. I have figured out how the psionic idea of empathy may in fact have a biological functionality to its working. Further more, this hypothesis explains the rise in Autism by a rouge DNA strand that is created by having large cities.

Let us go down this rabbit hole of madness shall we (what? I read this blog too you know, I cannot even suggest anything here is sane or reasonable).

They have done research that have found subaural noise, that is noise below what our ears can pick up and detect, do influence our mood state. It has been done to for crowd control, allegedly. Somebody apparently took the Machiavellian Prince far too seriously here. Why would making a lynch mob scared disperse it? Wouldn't that escalate that situation? Wait... isn't London using this for crowd control? My response is... why not just figure out what subaural noise makes people really happy and pleasant... and point that at crowds you want to control. I think it is hard to riot when people are pleasant against their normal peace and will... but I may be weird. Or know too many stoners (A stoner riot? Whhhaaaa?).

Now, meanwhile, in Japan, as a standard Japanese Research Product, a Scientist is playing happy music to water... then flash freezing it. Or just having happy people around water. Angry people around water--or just having himself feeling "positive" or "negative". Then flash freezing it, and noticing, positive emotions crystalise different from negative ones.

Going out onto a limb here, but fluid works as a great medium for sound waves. Including ones that are below what we can hear. The subaural frequencies being too low for our ear to hear, would influence how the water crystalise by way of the water being a medium for the sound wave.

The human body is comprised of a fair amount of water--or fluid based on a hydrogen hydroxide solute at a fair rate. Water could be vibrated to produce subaural waves. As the Japanese researcher has shown, water can also be used to receive these waves. Most of the body has nervous tissue structures that could produce enough electrical current, to make the water in the body produce subaural waves, to those around it.

Essentially putting emotional states as a starfish language that worked mostly on "there is food that way" and "we are food that way" dynamics, from before animals had faces or any other way to communicate such items on them.

Based on how DNA has been found to work, on that it simple goes, "does this not kill a species" "yes, keep it", "no, toss it". Making it so that any addition if it comes across as benign, it usually stays in the DNA for some time to come... as well as stuff that helps creatures live and function. It is only if it ends up killing creatures faster than they can reproduce, that it really goes away.

There really is no reason to say such a communication method, based on nervous system structures and vibration of water molecules using low amounts of electrical current would no longer exist... if it ever had before.

This would explain those freaky deaky hippies talking about "empathy" and "how it feels", in a way that does not have me come across as a complete tool. As I care about that idea. At the simplest level, it just means empathetic people are just not as deaf as the rest of the population to this concept. It also allows a way to honestly measure how something feels in a scientific manner. Just fashion together a structure to work as a subaural receiver and observe what frequencies tend to induce what feelings (making notes for the mental health, and place of original) in certain subjects.. with little to no other noise present... and you can measure, "yes, that crystal does feel happy".

The thing is, I do believe in preternatural and supernatural items... I just really hate calling them "psychic" or "magic". Being an "empath" myself (that is, having the water structure in my body more sensitive to the sub aural frequencies coming from other persons... and not psychic or in touch with my aura). This may also explain what an "aura" is... and put people who see it, as having sensual dissonance. The mental illness that has people see music, without ever taking LSD. Probably screwed up the name.... I just think "that thing, that has people smell colours, without LSD... making it much harder to function."... but that is wordy, and people complain when I do not use the right sterile medical shorthand.

Now, I am going to describe the REAL crazy part here: how this relates to the rise of Autism cases. This is likely the fictional portion that I am very much wrong on... and am only a crazed lunatic.

There is a sizable population in the Autism groups, that what happened was the general noise and emotions of the room itself is much louder for them, than others. A smile that is quiet to most... is a shout for them. They mostly handle this by shutting off all input of the emotional type. Forcing themselves to be deaf, dumb and blind to all around... just to function in the world. Akin to The Who's Tommy conceptual album character... just with emotions and not literal sight and sound.

Again, going with the DNA notion that if there is no reason to remove a genetic trait, it stays in, and the fact we are dealing with Hive environments, rather than Pack environments. The human mind, can only handle ~200 "People", beyond that, it only can put these people shaped objects as statistics. This brain based function is why if you kill one person, you are a murder.. but if you kill a thousand, you are a hero. As a thousand is a statistic--which is very true. Try throwing rapid numbers of how many are dead or influenced... then try naming a specific person and describing their habits. Which is more effective? Having a poster child (or representative stereotype) usually is.

Now we as a society are living in conditions that have far more than the ~200 "People" our minds can handle. And more so: it is impossible to go BACK to having on ~200 people.

Now, moving onto the controversial biology subject of Super Organisms, there may be a dormant genetic trait that under certain conditions create Super Organism type characteristics.

There are plenty of genetic traits in all of humanity that do not turn on, or activate unless certain stimuli exists. These do not do anything as far as super powers are concerned... unless you consider being homosexual is a super power (Commissioner David of the Fashion Police called! Quick Robin--TO THE MAKE OVER MOBILE!). Homosexuality is a fertility gene that under certain stimuli will result in a gay individual. However: removal of the gene itself, would cause a drop in fertility in the heterosexual population to the point of near species extinction... and attempting to remove the stimuli that produce homosexuality, would create a psychological situation that INCREASES how many homosexuals are produced by the current ambient stimuli.

Hey, gay people: you are the reason the breeders can function. Take that in your pipe and smoke it... oh... wait... raging dyke here... damn hypocritical statements.

Likely Autism could be used to describe how Super Organism structures start and create. By creating a situation with more population that each member can hold at its "pack level" identity, that the population need to look at, could result in an increase of this genetic trait activating, that makes the entire emotional environment louder for one of the local members.

Such a louder trait, would allow that member to make that cluster of people its own organism, that is, have a crowd become one person in a group. Each person is an extension of the congeal super person.

Unfortunately, people are quite a bit different from ants or bees. The mental and emotional structures and pathways in bees and ants, are not at the same level as various larger mammal populations. Even more so, there have not been any sizable pool of major species that have grouped together larger than what their minds can handle, apart from humans and possibly rats.

Humans, due to a fvckload of emotional trauma we all deal with as part of life... are more emotionally screwed up, as we enter adolescence... never mind approaching adult hood. Which causes the Austism Super Person trigger to not be beneficial when its stimuli is present. That is, yes, it works for ants... but you know what? Fvcking Ants!

This would allow to explain how empathic individuals who have a fair amount of ability to control and handle the incoming emotional stresses, tend to also be able to lead and develop. By having this trigger activate, with stimuli that does not have the trigger backfire (think of it like a weapon that 9 times out of 10 blows up in your face)... the seem to control other people, like they are not other people, but just part of their own person.

The main item here, would be for me to figure out a way to properly research this stuff. As even if I am wrong... looking into this, would be beneficial to crowd control, civil engineering, super organism hypothesis (even if nonconclusive, it is helpful data), mental health for people with items on the Autism spectrum. No matter how fvcking nuts this idea is.


On Over Reacting

It has come to my attention that people tend to see my rants as long amounts of over reacting. Currently, I do not have my actual website up (Currently? Isn't that redundant at this point?). So I will be posting this blog entry here, on Blogger.

I must not concur with the idea I over react... my responses and measures are entirely valid for the position being given.

Let's take the common example of some jack off parking in a handicapped parking zone. The guy is perfectly capable and healthy. No major mental problems or physical problems. He might even be a dry waller. Yet, he parks in the spot, as he cannot be bothered to walk to that spot. Having somebody with motion issues, like a walker, having to walk from the far end of the parking lot.

This is something that I'd like to see sharks involved as the proper level of response. It will take a while, of course--giving him plenty of time to incur many more infractions on my completely proportion vengence's whims. The sharks will need to be conditioned to swimming in salted lemon water. With a fair amount of lemon juice, salt--and maybe mercury content. This will take a little while to accustom the sharks to this kind of living environment.

Once this is set up, the criminal will be fitted in a swimsuit made from poison nettles. Specificially a women's 1800s swimsuit (complete with umbrella) will be fashioned from poison nettles. The criminal will be forced to wear this, no matter what his gender identity was. Then forced to play a few good games of Women's Field Hockey.

Now, if you are not familiar with the sport... it is the most manly sport ever devised, Women's Field Hockey. The sorts to play it, are usually construction workers, lumber jacks, drive big trucks and have an impressive flannel shirt collection. They also are very interested in other women's sexual organs... which again is very manly. The sport is one with more physical contact than ice hockey. There is a point to the game... but it can be hard to decern between the canes, hard rubber ball--and the rough conduct.

Now the women playing this manly sport of violence would best be suited as having their grumpy time. This tends to allow for any injuries of the man to be met with response such as, "look, you want to know pain? Try having a child. Stop whining about your fractured rib cage and sprained waist." Should the criminal be a woman, this little addition may not add quite as much.

During this whole time, the criminal will have Henry Kissinger narrate the whole events, and give his personal commentary on the actions. Margret Atwood will also be instructed to talk about how much she hates men. This usually involves personal antidotes about clothing and previous times with men she has known. True to the Atwood needs, a small microphone will be fitting in the criminal's ears to get most of what Atwood is saying. It will miss bits and pieces and make the voice sound just slightly off. With a slight buzzing the whole time.

Then after the whole game is done, the criminal is to swim with the Salt Lemon Water Mercury Laden Sharks. They will give a few playful nibbles and possibly eat him alive. He is to allow this, as the still talking Henry Kissinger and Margret Atwood will tell him not to bother the sharks as they are endangered species and much more beautiful creatures than the criminal will ever be. Telling them not to eat him, may stress the sharks. They are also lemon scented.

Now, this will seem like hell. As it would have to be. It is more properly called Tartarus. It is not possible for these all to be together, as the sharks are endangered species. Having the Field Hockey game nearby these sharks, and the Atwood involvement would ultimately have PETA and several other animal organisations onto our asses, for some very just worthy causes, due to our improper treatment of the sharks.

This being Tartarus, the criminal will have survived the eating by the sharks, as this fits as his eternal punishment for parking in a handicapped parking zone improperly. This is not an over reaction as after his day is over, he can relax with a nice cup of tea.

Now, had I made him have to get something from Starbucks we are moving into over reacting.

That is, after his day of perfectly acceptable torture for his heinous crimes, he has to go into Starbucks (the only place to get coffee in Tartarus), and order in broken Italian some poorly brewed coffee. The guy would get mild distain, as he cannot understand true coffee, and probably enjoys dish water. Sure the coffee has a few issues. That is because the local roaster is in Seattle, and the roasted beans are shipped to Tartarus from Seattle. The coffee is clearly awesome as you have to order it with very very bad Italian sounding phrases and pay ten dollars for what may possibly qualify as a small--but if you call it that, you cannot get by to get the coffee. If you were to drink the Seattle stuff, it would be too awesome for you to comprehend.

The person seems to hold himself as better than you, as while drinking your over cooked coffee, with old roasted beans, that was made in the morning and has not been changed since this morning, your only entertainment are Joe Biden frames of him eating a sandwich. These frames will be told why they are good, and why they are crap, as only a true connoisseur could tell the quality of them. The criminal will not want to interrupt so as to be seen as rude in such a situation.

In the case the criminal tries to mention what kind of day he has, the person tending the coffee will get irritated, and tell him everybody has horrible days in Tartarus. He spent his entire day trying to get his thick rimmed glasses positioned on his nose right. While listening to music that you might have heard of, and the bands are in danger of showing up on Wikipedia. Having to laud at the fact Tumblr might no longer be obscure. That the criminal's complaints are completely unwarranted--and him paying no mind to what the criminal seems to have had to go through.

This BTW is the punishment for Hipsters... to spend eternity as a Hipster in Tartarus. The rest is not added... it is just them being a Hipster and being tortured forever in Tartarus (you probably do not even know what Tartarus is).

Now adding this Starbucks and not allowing them a nice tea... that is over reacting. I'll thank you to know the difference!

I do not over react in my responses.



GAH! Okay--it is VERY rarely that a news story gets me pissed off enough that I am going to use my one tool to STOP PEOPLE BEING WRONG ON THE INTERNETS.

Because if it is one thing we cannot have, it is wrong people on the interwebs.

So, I am just going to unload this onto the the truck of the internet... well no wait--my colleague just said it is closer to a series of tubes.

Anyways--who is wrong today... why none other than the people all in awe of Transsexual Rappers. You know, the Sissy Bouncers.

New York Times Pretends to Cover Sissy Bouncers

Okay, first off: I do not care if you are a Xtain Nazi Midget Newt who is doing the rap. Or if you are gay, trans or what not.

If I enjoy your music, I am (generally) open enough to understand that you might have different views of the world in contrast to mine. Besides, if you are wrong, I do have a blog, which is of course the correct tool to correct wrong people on the Internets. Which is okay. It rarely is something that overly affects your end product. Just look at all the great writers and composers over the years. Some of them were very sick, sick twisted bastards.

Convsersely, I would ask, that if I were transsexual, that simply because you are also transsexual and making this item, not to automatically assume I am going to enjoy or really say anything other than, "that is nice."

Okay--now that this aside... let us go over a few issues.

Why in Eris' prickle orange name would I think Rap is homophobic. Personally I think Eminem is probably one of the most gayest rappers out there. Personally I am waiting for Eminem to appear on the MTV Music awards and do a messy open mouthed kiss with Elton John. After the crap about how too girls trying to kiss on camera--and finding it may not be for them, and was a bit awkward as being "edgy".

That was never edgy. However, I am fairly certain Eminem doing a sloppy open mouth kiss with Elton John would definitely, in my deranged mind, would be edgy.

Though, if Eminem did that, it would still not confirm he is gay to me. As well--his main shtick is, that he is a shock artist that gives the audience what they want. You know, that whole "What you say I am" thing he did on his second LP.

Either way, considering how many groups we have that are your atypical rap group doing the stuff--that is anything that are not white and black people born and raised in suburbia for the most part--having people who are gay, lesbian, bi, /trans.*/, allied or any of the wonderful other labels that make the Pride Rainbow into a wonderful alphabet soup do it really does not seem odd to me.

Now, if we had Molly the Rapping Sheep, THAT would be something I would love to see a news story on.

Okay--next detail... performing at a sports bar.. okay that is... in New Fvcking Orleans?!?!?

I thought that had sunk and was currently next to Atlantis? Dammit! Well Hurricane Season IS coming up again.

Well, lets see, we have some people that are part of the Pride community, performing in probably the most open city in the continent, save for San Franfvckingsisco. I mean, I am fairly certain that if California were to sink into the ocean and New Orleans somehow was high enough above water to still hold a population (maybe set up a glass dome around it? This IS the 21st Century and all--we were suppose to get glass dome cities weren't we?), I am fairly certain no other city could easily compare with New Orleans to hold the role San Fransisco once held.

As well, the glass dome option is not as real of one for San Fransisco, as it requires a form of foundation that is not currently situated on a major fault.

So, okay, we have Sissy Bouncers, performing a genre that already has plenty of atypical entries in it (that is people who have not grown up in suburbia who have some weird sets of delusions about their street cred and make up ridiculous stories about being shot eight times before making it in rap), in the second most open city to their gender and sexual orientations on the continent.


But no... but no--who gives me this revolutionary news story? Twitters @TGWorldNews

Okay--you know what? This is a typical Web 3.0 thing they do. The comb through twitter, and find all the transgendered stuff people are really loving. Which there are plenty of people who think this is a wonderful concept.

Consider this having me add a Web 3.0 tag to my blog entries. I normally append stuff with "fail" on this subject... but well with Web 3.0's rather revolutionary retarded idea of "the sampling wisdom of crowds", prepending "fail" to Web 3.0 tags would be redundant.

But then, for some reason, I missed out on why one million people are less able to be idiots than one person.


Damn it! Handle Store Owners Better


This is why people follow you around as trouble makers in stores. YOU CONFIRM IT TO THEM!

Okay, I have two friends, who generally have people following them around like trouble makers. Which okay--I have never really seen them get into trouble. Usually the store owners will peg them as trouble makers right away. Which, you know--generally store owners come up to me, usually at first, like I am a huge ass trouble maker.

However, I react a lot differently from these two. One will just sneer and get ticked off--generally act all irritated with the store owner.

The other will react right away. Start screaming her head off. She is not a trouble maker and all that other stuff. Not only that, but the store is some kind of "insert derogatory term". Be it prep, or nigger, or coon, or kyke or wop--or... I mean... okay... I think you just justified his watching you in the store.

I mean--just looking at how differently I handle these people working in the stores in comparison to these two... no fvcking wonder they get watched and I generally get along with the people.

Okay, my tips for not getting bitched out by people--and getting extra in stores.


Typically, even if the service is lousy, if it is an option, give the person a tip of some kind. Even after the first tip, you will notice the service going up quite a bit. As the service goes up, increase how much you tip.

The beautiful thing is--people working at these places generally keep track of who tips the best. Generally giving them better service than the people that do not tip.

Heck, I have ordered a Pizza that was suppose to take fourty five minutes to get to my place, but because I was known to be the kind to tip, I got it in 25 minutes. I of course gave him a better tip--as he pretty much got there in half the time I expected.

The person in the store or restaurant is a person.

Treat them as such. Chat them up. Ask them about what kind of day it has been so far. Treat them nicely--if possible. If you do not have something you should, or you move too slowly, apologise. Thank them. Be polite. More and all, even if it is some fifteen year old working at a till in a McDonald's, they are still a person--and deserve your respect.

If they are irritated, just assume it has been a bad day, and they have had to deal with fvckwads for customers for most of it. Be nice to them, apologise--generally state wishes that there day gets better.

Heck, defend them from other bitchy customers. You will usually be able to spot which ones are generally just whiners. Since you are also a customer, call the other customer on it. As generally these people bitching and moaning tend to make things go slower. Very rarely do they have a legitimate excuse and typically it was there own mess that they are blaming the worker on.

For example, one person, taking a cab, parked the cab, outside a restaurant, then went in--ordered his stuff. Then starts complaining because the people in the drive thru got a higher priority in getting the food. Generally complaining about how his required payment on his cab, that he went into the restaurant for, is going way to far up--because the drive thru had higher priority.

Ask the worker for their recommendations

The person working there has it as their job to be near this stuff all day long. Ask what they'd recommend today. If you are having issues getting a third item on the menu, or some in store item they'd recommend--just ask them about that stuff. Typically you must be ready to buy this stuff too.

Do not talk to the store worker, unless you are certain you can make a purchase.

Yeah, this appears to be something that should be obvious. If you do not have the money to buy something, do not go up to the counter and ask where all the fancy crap is. I mean, okay, I have not worked much for retail jobs (none really), but even I can understand that this would be something that a retail store owner would get so bloody damned annoyed over.

I mean, I really do not get why robotic store attendants are not so popular. I mean, apparently people just like being asses to teenagers and old people working at these places.


Fvcking Birthdays >.>'

Bloody hell--I am off with a friend who keeps insisting on window shopping with him for his birthday. Not something I really want to do. As I see the situation as, "I am not likely to be able to afford most of this he is wanting. Neither can his girlfriend... and definitely not him"

Me, and his girlfriend are the only one with an income. He manages to drag us out--and into a few stores. Picking up every such thing on the shelves... and asking the people at the till if they have a copy of the games he wants.

Okay--clearly he is very excited. He turns 26 at the end of July.

Meanwhile, I am just groaning. He is acting like he has all sorts of stuff coming his bloody way. Where the hell is this coming from?

He keeps talking about all this stuff that is coming in. I am just smiling and nodding. Because if I tell him, not to count on this stuff, he is going to get all defensive about how these are sure things. Even though, after nearly every bloody one of them, he says, "maybe he can get me this--perhaps that. I can pull some strings."

Okay--you know what? How the hell does he even think he can even get a decent birthday?

Then--it hit me. The last decent party, that I had people show up and I had fun, that I have ever had, was when I was eight years old.

Every time after that--nobody really ever showed up. Mind you, my birthday IS on Labour Day weekend. Or all that I could get managed was just some crapping sit in at a restaurant I could go to anyways.

For a little while, I tried bolstering interest, by talking about it a few months prior.

I have just kind of came to terms, that my birthday is just another fvcking day. I mean,there have been times that I have been reminding my mom for a month prior--then she comes up when it is nearly Octobre, telling me that she forgot.

I have had to share my birthday a few times with my brother who was born on the twentieth... over four years and two weeks after mine.

Then--every now and again, I will get my mom bothering me about what I want... on something that has became pretty much just another day. Why the hell would I expect to get something special on a Sunday? Why the hell is my birthday any different?

But no, and then she does the sad but irritated act like, "people do not know what to get you."

I have kind of just stopped saying anything  about this day--because you know what? It is obvious nobody cares. Pretty much every birthday party since I was eight has been the most sorriest flop of an excuse I have ever seen.

Which okay--maybe everybody else's birthday's suck? Or at least that is how I understand it.

Seeing as how I am never really ever invited to them.

I mean, I do have a few friends... but it is always, "oh, I get you just fine--but none of my other friends would really get it. There would be drama and--"

"--I am just your dirty little secret. You are ashamed to know me."

"No, no--I think you are wonderful it is just my friends would not get you."

When I have pretty much learned that formula completely--and this is not a person I am getting sex from... or really see that interested in having sex--it kind of makes me just put this sort of stuff in the corner of my mind of Schroedinger's cat.

Schroedinger's Fvcking Sweet Kick Ass Party.

It both exists--and does not exist. Trying to see if it does exist changes the situation you are trying to measure.

What is there to get? I am a psychotic bitch. Okay yes--I get that... how do others not get it?

Then we have ass hat here, going on about how he is going to get all of this. Get all of that. I am just standing there, going "really--you really think your birthday is going to be all that and a bag of potato chips."

Then, I realised--it probably is.

You know--I really doubt i am going to be dating anybody soon. So many bloody self esteem issues, self image issues and all that to really work out. Yet, people keep saying, "you need to get laid."

Fvck--not going to happen any time soon--not with a person as damaged as I am. There are better people to hook up with.

Just smile and nod--just smile and nod.

Well, now to post more pictures of myself, in hopes that somebody has the good sense not to bullshit me, and tell me how fugly I am.


Do you believe in life after death?

No. When I die, I am taking all of you with me. X3

Well--not entirely. No idea whether there is something in the great beyond. My after life, is anybody I have impressed in my life with knowledge.

Be if positive knowledge.

Be it negative knowledge.

Be it a wonderful loving relationship.

My life and my death, is the spark that anybody I touch, carries in them, by knowing me.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Whether it be a joke or not, why are you expecting to go to prison?

Why, for the worst crime of all. One that will not ever go unpunished.


However, this may not be some stone prison.

Why, I could be locked up as mentally unwell--as my dissidence makes me a harm to myself and others.

Or, we have a better prison. It is called a pill. This pill, if applied properly makes the best prison available.

Not to say that there are not people that can get some decent use for it. However, when we give these prison pills to our kids, because they are being kids, and we do not enjoy that--we effectively tell them, you do not have to deal with your issues. A pill can do it for you.

Prisons come in all shapes and sizes.

Prison is living in any location, that you cannot escape from. Even if you do not desire or want to use that escape. That escape from where you are is the requirement to define whether where you are living is paradise or prison.

This, does kind of require that the escape route is real, and a viable option. As there are plenty of prisons that say you can leave any time--but how to do so, is not a real option.

If you are a dissident even in today's modern free world--you get options removed from you. Escape routes cut.

You get told that unless you do what we say, we are not going to let you go here.

Now, instead of armed guards at roads, we have legal road blocks. We have bureaucracy. We have medication. We have warnings on packages. We have contracts. We have a large amount of items that remove escape routes.

Now, some of the stuff that appears in these blockades I agree with.

However, after putting a few decent ones in, we kind of have not stopped. As well, it is for your protection. As well as the protection of your children.

Now ask yourself, in Cyber Punk genre material, is anything that the authorities suggest you do, "for your own protection?" really something you want to do?

We are living in Cyber Punk now.

Now, I am not saying go against the cops. Just maybe, ask how and why the rules that are there are in place.

Rules should have reason behind them.

We however have long since lived in a world, where nobody really cares about the reasons. They just follow the rules and enforce them. Because they are rules and that is what you do.

Myself, I look at the reason for the rules--rather than the rules themselves.

Thus making me a dissident.

Thus making me a danger to myself and others.

Which, will land me in prison.

That is, a living arrangement, that I have no clear real escape route from.

This is not conspiracy talk... no... conspiracy would mean that somebody planned it.

This arrangement is something that just eventually happened that everybody agreed to. There is no plan here. There are no conspiracy. There is nobody conspiring.

Nobody is competent enough to do this.

It just kind of fell into place.


I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Sounds like he was a great influence on your life. In more than one definition of the word "great."

Yeah, when they do finally lock me up in prison, he will be noted as one of the reasons to my delinquency. X3

It is because of Dad that I consider myself a Second Generation Discordian.

He was the sort that if a balloon popped at a birthday party, he'd start crying until all the kids at the party were roaring in tears.

He was the sort that every year, during Christmas would cheer on the Grinch. Maybe THIS year is the year for the Grinch. Maybe this year, he will steal Christmas.

Now, imagine doing that with kids around. It eventually became tradition to go from whining and being upset at Dad--to joining in, and cheering ol' Grinchy on.

It was kind of like cheering for the Maple Leafs at a Hockey Game. Except we were joking--Maple Leaf fans are not.

He was the sort, to make a joke--and somehow, that joke became a solid tradition. Such as the box, that goes around every gift giving time. We actually keep more track of gives the box, and where it has gone, and if this is a new box as the old one got destroyed, than any of the gifts.

In fact, it is probably better to get this box at a gift giving time, than any gift inside it now.

Mostly by Dad observing that that was the same box that appeared last time we gave presents and it just steam rolled from there.

Dad was also the one that got me first interested in artwork.

I admit, I am jealous that he knows how to use a slide rule (I want a slide rule dammit!). As he had demonstrated its use a few times.

Yes, he was a large influence on me--and he will be blamed, when I am finally put away. X3

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango


Too true. You like details don't you? You seem to want to explain things as best as possible, no matter the subject. It is good you would want to. A lot of people don't want to take the time.

Well, there are plenty of reasons for this.

One, was something I impressed upon growing up, by my father.

"No matter how brilliance or creative your idea is. If it stays inside your head, it is useless." -- Bob J. Payne

He also had a few other things he taught me.

"If you cannot explain something, so that the layman can understand. You do not understand it." -- Bob J. Payne

This is not say that by explaining it, you understand it. However, if you cannot explain it, you definitely do not understand it.

"Everybody is too worried about who they are, to really care what you are doing that is wrong." -- Bob J. Payne.

This one is a weird one--as, to understand this, the only reason, going out and doing something will bother somebody, is it reflects something that they do not like about themselves.

And, you reflect something they do not like about who they are, only then, will you have a problem.

He also had the rather humourous phrase:

"There are those that can do, and those that can't teach." -- Bob J. Payne.

In that one, he was mostly reflecting his issues with how little real world knowledge people in academia tend to really have.

Now, me and Dad really do not get along that well.

This does not mean everything he said was trash. It just means we would butt heads with each other quite a bit.

Dad's main issue, was that I was always too much like him.

Dad was always the one to say:

"Why don't you ask them why they do that?" -- Bob J. Payne.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

I agree with all of those points and am glad you can express yourself through words so well. You are very different in comparison to most others, this you are aware of, I'm sure. I like different, to a degree. Some differences can be harmful, though.

The reason that differences are going to be harmful is due to what you define as harmful.

Now, this does not mean you are bad, for not like certain differences. As long as you know where and why they are coming from.

This does not mean you need to change your definition of harmful.

Some things you will just not be interested in--no matter how much people tell you how or why they operate.

Trying to enjoy that stuff is where the harm comes from.

Everybody here is different. Yes, we do have plenty of similar traits that put us into easy to target marketing demographics...

I mean unite us as a group.

However, what is important, is be true to yourself. And further more, allow others to be true to themselves.

If you are straight, and somebody is gay--it only gets harmful, if the gay person tries to be straight, or the straight person tries to be gay.

Look at Micheal Jackson after he was turned from black to white. That seemed to make him from a relatively cool guy... to about as creepy as that very effeminate priest who cured his gayness to become straight.

Yes, some things can be very harmful to be... because they may not be something you are able to be.

Me--I cannot do the Vegan thing. I tried. My body could not live like that. From my understanding, plenty of people can do the Vegan thing, and work and operate better while doing it.

Each and every one of us have different bodies, and different minds.

We have different abilities, different goals and different needs.

I put your basic needs as the following;
* Air to breath. Air that is not polluted with allergenic content. Air that you can go out, take a big wiff of, and not feel pain.
* Protection from the elements. In some cases it is clothing and shelter. Though sometimes what these consist of, is not the same for each person or each location.
* Water to drink.
* Food for nutrience. And there is no blanket menu everybody can make use of. Some people need a LOT more food. Some people need different food. I find the Canadian Food Guide a retarded idea. Why? It was a study done by a group of people that are known for incompetence--that is the Canadian Government. Each of us requires different foods and needs for our bodies. And it is up to us to figure this out.
* Mental stimulation. If we are not mentally pleased, we cannot function. However, each of us have different things that this goes into.
* Emotional stimulation. This is why the whole, "not playing with kids, and kids not interacting" seems stupid to me. We all need to do something that emotionally stimulates us. And we each have different things we need for this. Some really need something to fire us up and make us angry. Others, need something that makes us really sad. Heck, that is why tragic plays were created--because people need to cry and be sad. By tearing our eyes out, we feel better. As it is a release. Others need something that peps us up. Makes us the most happy person out there. The sort of happy to dance.
* Sexual stimulation: this is base need. Something that we all need, otherwise we will not function. Even more so, there is no one single way to do it. What one person may enjoy, somebody will not do anything with.

People have put these wrongly as a pyramid.No, that does not work--each of these is an independent pillar of who we are, and what we need to function. None of these are able to have a cookie cutter one size fits all deal either.

And, if, in your attempts to fill these needs, one of these is different from what is good for you, then it will be harmful to you. Very harmful

That list of base needs that everybody needs all of them to some degree (these are not optional):
* Air to breathe
* Protection from the Elements
* Water to Drink
* Food that works for you
* Mental Stimulation
* Emotional Stimulation
* Sexual Stimulation

And, in getting these base needs, if something different is harmful when you try to make use of it, for these needs, then it is bad for you to do it.

However, that does not mean it does not work for others.

It also means, that something that works for you, will work for others either.

Your body and mind is different, to put it simply.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango

Well said, very well said. It is a nice change of pace to actually have meaningful conversation with someone, especially over the net. I'm too used to the type of people who waste their time and energy hating on others or being needlessly depressed.

Well, I was depressed when I was younger--suicidal even. However, that was only because I was on meds, for doing what I am doing now.

Only since I was young, I had not learned how to use the proper words. I have since then grew up, and only resort to fists every Thursday.

I do not hate people. I hate ignorance. Facing ignorance with more ignorance only will cause issues.

Instead, when you are faced with something you do not understand, ask it questions. Interview this new C'thulhu. Figure out the how and why of this eldritch type reasoning.

You do not need to agree with their conclusions once you know their reasoning.

You just need to question their reasoning, until you get it--regardless of if you agree with it, or not.

And it is okay to feel bad. It really is. We all have times where life hands us a large shit sandwich, light on the salt and pepper, that we need to eat.

And you can grimace and groan as you eat it...

But, rather than just feel bad that "I am eating a shit sandwich..."

You need to ask, "how do I not have to eat a shit sandwich ever again"

Unless you enjoy that sort of thing... then, more power to you. I do not enjoy corpophilia, but there are plenty of things I like, that various people into corpophilia would think I am really weird fo enjoy.

And, everybody will offer advice as to what you can do, to take this very horrid sandwich off your menu. When they offer you this advice, question them on how it works and operates.

As while they may not have your shit sandwiches, chances are, they have a few of their own. You need to make certain that their solution is not going to make it worse than before.

Being depressed is okay--as long as you are making an active effort to make your life and situation a better place.

Ignorance of somethings are also okay.

Myself, I do not get or understand Windows.

Does this make me scream about how Windows is the worst OS out there?

No, I simply say I do not understand Windows. It is fine and okay--and has its uses... but I do not get it.

Ignorance only becomes bad, when you lash out at the thing you are ignorant of, rather than just stating you do not understand it.

Look around outside. Look in your house. Is everything out there something you understand down to the cellular level, molecular level, atomic level or even quantum level?

I can honestly say, looking out my window, there are plenty of things that I do not know. Do I lash out at them? Do I think they are wrong? Do I fear them?

No, I just state that I do not understand everything out there--as I am incapable of knowing all. So, it is only natural, that I should come across things I do not understand.

Things that I will be ignorant of.

It is how I act on said ignorance, that makes the difference.

I do not want people constantly asking me about Grim Fandango


The only reason any of you use the internet (And internet commandments)

Well, I normally only post blog entries during the last week of the month. No idea why one week of the month, my greatest desire would be to chew people out, bite their heads off and spit down their throat.

However, I came up to a little epiphany.

Why people use the Internet? Drama!

People talk about how much they hate Drama. Oh my god, there is so much drama here. Please, stop this.

In the past, I would have been more inclined to agree that less drama would be better.

However, it just kind of made sense that the only reason anybody uses the internet is because of how often we get that Special Olympics playing along. Whether you enjoy watching some of these events, or are a very big fan of taking part in these Special Internet Games, everybody loves drama on the Internet.

First lets go over the other "reasons" people give to justify this. Some of which I kind of thought might have been true before his most noodly appendage reached out from an alley and touched various parts of me. In other news, I need a new school uniform.

Myth: People Use The Internet for Research

This reason would work just fine... if not for the most abhorrent sin possible being present all over the internet.

1. Thou Shalt Not Be WRONG!

The internet allows us a rather wonderful medium to fix the idea that somebody out there may be wrong. This causes various methods to be put into place to try to fix their wrongness and make them stop being so damned wrong.

I mean, do you know how many billions of people every day, on the Internet, go around being wrong? It is a good thing that I have this blog, in place to slowly fix this horrid horrid crime. As we all know, ranting and raving on some blog is the best way to fix wrong people. Hell, I mean, the majority of my blog's followers are not even family members--so I must have a very good reach here (never mind that this is only because my family does not really bother or care to read my blog. As well, I seem to violate this, first commandment of the internet, as far as my family is concerned).

I mean, it is good that we have this great medium of information out there, and a large group of people to tell others just why and how everybody, but them, is completely wrong.

Myth: People use the Internet to talk to Friends and Family

Right--how many people actually enjoy talking to their family members? I mean, yes, you do get some members that are okay, and very nice to talk to.

However, most of your family is just people who are there, and generally annoy the crap out of you. Either you have a really psychotic mother (which, I am finding is surprisingly common). I mean, all women are crazy, and my Mom use to tell me growing up, "insanity is hereditary, you get it from your kids."

2. Go forth and be psychos. For Psychotic people are the bread and butter of the internet

Think about this for a bit? Who are the people bringing about all the great technologies on the internets. Who is it that brings all the large amounts of social change. I will tell you who:

Crazy Fuckers.

Between much of how the World Wide Web was worked on in the late 1990s being done by the Heaven's Gate Cult. To the point that some suspect that one of the main causes of the Dot Com Bomb, was their little Nike Blanket Party, that they went to, to exchange Apple Sauce recipes. As most of their members were very influential workers of the Internet at the time.

Then we have The Goons, Anonymous and the Japanese bringing forth a large amount of technologies and social structures, concepts and pretty much everything we know about on the internets. Personally, of those, I would put the The Goons at the most sane, Anonymous at second place for sanity, and the Japanese as last place, no matter who is entered into this contest for sanity.

But then, I very public suspect that Japan consists entirely of C'thulhu Cultists.

Myth: People use the internet to talk to people of similar interests

Well, yes--and this is probably the biggest cause of drama out there.

I mean, I see myself, as a fan of anthropomorphic artwork, and very spiritually in tune with certain animals.

Which, thanks to internet drama lets me know, that my greatest desire is to have sex in teddy bear suits.

It really does not help that most interest groups are completely and totally wrong. In violation of the first commandment of the internet (not to be confused with the Rules of the Internet).

I mean, as we all know, I am a fan of the Vim text editor. Which of course, is the correct text editor to be interested in.

You get some asshats who try to say EMACS is much better. They are completely and totally delusional. As I can tell you exactly why Vi and Vim is the ultimate editor for all to use:

  1. Personal Preference
  2. Familiarity
  3. It is a standard
See, this is exactly why, anybody who says they like EMACS are fucking nuts. I mean, how can they not understand that Vim is so much better than EMACS will ever be, for those above three reasons.

I will note, that my choice of operation system, or distribution of operation system, is best, for those above reasons. Anybody who suggests another one is one of the most laughably insane people out there.

And even then for interest groups, it is not because it is fun--it is because it is work.

3. Stop Having Fun!

I mean, how can you enjoy playing Super Smash Bros., if you have no clue what Wave Dashing is? I mean, that is the reason Brawl is the worst game on the planet. They removed Wave Dashing.

Then we move into Pokemon, which you cannot possible play the game, unless you know about natures, IVs and EVs. I mean, playing the game is useless without such knowledge.

This is exactly why Final Fantasy XIII is the penultimate game out there. You have to slog through twenty hours of completely dull and trite crap, just so that when you do get somewhere interesting, you have done all the work in being exactly like how you want to be, before you are allowed to have fun.

These are games here people! Ones that you need to play exactly one fucking way, of GTFO. See Internet Commantment 1.

It is rather common, for any interest group, to ban anything that is fun to do. I mean, look at Christianity, and their one simplified commandment: "if you enjoy doing it, it is a sin."

And like Christianity:

4. Thou shalt not improvise. For improvisation shows no knowledge of the subject matter, like that of drolling out rote memorised speeches.

This is a mix of commandments number 3 and 2.

I mean, you improvised a bit based on Monty Python? You did not match the lines and words completely and totally perfect?!


You coloured outside the fucking lines on some standardised rule set, that helps make a game better by removing the fun?


Clearly you have forgotten the whole point of the internet. You have turned away from your god, and these commandments. You shall be case out into the fiery inferno where disco will be played for all eternity.

Speaking of Disco Infernos.

5. Thous Shalt make porn of it.

However, this commandment cannot break any of the other four commandments. Especially number four. I mean, if your pornography is not something that matches all the other porno up completely and exactly, with perhaps even the horrid idea of some originality to it, this also ends up breaking commandments 1, 2, and 3--as well as the obvious breaking of number 4.

I mean, the idea that you like something that is not the same plastic mold over and over again, is completely abhorrent and wrong. How can you live with yourself?

The idea that everybody enjoys the same thing, also very nicely falls under number 2.

Enjoying pornography? Are you kidding? Nobody enjoys pornography. It is the most abhorrent item to ever look at. Just ask any clergy man. He will set you straight. Then, he will go to the Choir Boy's special vocal chord therapy, where he applies a very holy cream to their vocal cords, that give them the voice of angels. A completely valid practice in helping people sing. Just look at pretty much every pop star out there today. Proof that giving lots and lots of head is the best thing you can do for your singing career.

Summary of the Internet Commandments to follow with zealous religious passion:
  1. Thou shalt not be wrong
  2. Go forth and be psychotic. For the crazy people are the bread and butter of the internet
  3. Thou shall stop having fun!
  4. Thou shalt not improvise. For improvisation shows no knowledge of the subject matter, like that of drolling out rote memorised speeches.
  5. Thou shall make porn of it
Now then, the Internet shall be a good and holy place, for all of mankind to thrive, live, breath and sleep. While womankind is in their kitchens, fetching them beer and sandwiches.


(Possibly backhanded) apology to the users of #Fedora of Freenode


Okay, I am going to apologise to the channel of #fedora on FreeNode. Sorry, it is not your fault that fenris02 is a complete and total arrogant prick.

I did get my current scanner issues solved (tendatively). Somebody started to help me go through and find where the udev and hal entries. This person (I apologise that I cannot remember that user's name) was generally very helpful, in helping me find my problem.

We found that the problem is one along the lines of "it works the same as it always has.". IE: The reason my scanner does not work is due to "Bit rot" sort of reasons.

I mean, the solution is not "Katrina is an idiot" so much as "Katrina is running an insanely ancient distribution of Fedora"

So, going in for a reinstall. As /boot is only 200MiB in size. Fedora 12 and Fedora 13 both require /boot to be 512MiB. I probably will have that partition be about 1024MiB though.

Now, I probably would not be as irritated with fenris02, still, if he was not peppering comments of "just because you are too stupid to understand my help--does not mean it is not brilliant."

He now exists in my head, as "fuckers who think that something is clever, based on how little it is understood". Noting that I know of two types of humans, "people" and "fuckers". I care about people. Fuckers are just another set of statistics.

First off, from a few of the other blog entries here, and links to my GitHub account you have likely seen, there is a chance, that maybe, just maybe, I am not completely new to computers. Yes, I understand that there is worlds of knowledge that I do not know of. However, his constant calling me an idiot, and talking to me like a Dalnet user, gets grating.

Personally, I have this rather silly notion, or idea, that if you require jargon to explain something. That is, another language that is only English in that English is a Pidgin language of sorts, then, this something is completely useless.

If I cannot pitch some concept, no matter how technical, so that your average Joe can comprehend what is going on (maybe not at that high of level, but he can still get it), then I do not think the idea is really worth saying it is good. I will also say, that if I cannot explain it in simple standard English, then I fail to understand it, as much as the layman.

Not to say that any idea if explained in English means I understand it, though. I mean, all dobbermens are dogs, but not all dogs are dobbermens.

This is well--mostly due to a lot of influence from my Father. My father is of the opinion, you cannot understand something, if you cannot explain it, or present it in some form. He also gave me the knowledge that no matter how brilliant an idea, if it stays in your head--and is not given any sort of form, either by descriptions or proof of concept, then the idea, for all purposes of the word, does not exist.

My father, is also a fairly skilled technician that the only reason he does not have an engineer's degree is because of his extreme disdain for engineers. So, his set of opinions makes sense.

It really does not help, that the largest handitards on the planet, generally tend to be all about how intelligent they are. Usually screaming out about how much smarter you are than somebody the more likely I am going to think you are excessively retarded. Especially if you start waving around positions and papers you have.

Respect is earned by your interactions with people. Not demanded by positions of power or claims of knowledge.

Gah! Why are Pogeymanz fans so bloody silly?! Gen V speculation rant

Please--some speculation is fine really, it is. However, if you are going to speculate, please take into account previous events in the series.

First off, the starters.

Okay, I am fine with people disliking certain generations of starters. People have been hating the various starterssince about Gen III. I do not have a problem with it. Saying that you hate all of the starters of a certain generation.

Just keep on that attitude. I tend to see a fair amount of "well, I liked the Gen III starters--I mean, they had flavour and various elements to them that war me up. However, I absolutely hate the Gen V starters. I mean, look at that complete rip off of squirtle and piplup."

Okay--you have the memory of a gnat. As typically you just go back a few years, and see either, they were not around for the Gen III stuff... OR, they hated the crap out of the starters. Saying silly things like how much Mudkipz will suck. Or laughing at the flaming chicken. That Gecko thing? Horrid.

Then Gen IV comes. Everybody hates those starters. Turtwig? When it came out, you were hating it. Chimchar? Oh great, another fire fighting. And a flaming monkey to boot. Those cads at Nintendo! I mean, what is their problem! Well, at least Piplup looks good. I mean, the others completely suck, and will never be used. Ever. No way that I can see them ever being used.

Now, we get to Gen V. You'd think we'd know better than to bitch about the starters this time around. I mean, we can get a jolly laugh at how wrong we were with Gen III and Gen IV--and look at these pictures, and speculate in positive ways.

Then, we get people ripping on the water starter. Okay--do they have a valid argument? It is a rip off of Squirtle and Piplup you say?

This, I really do not follow--one bit.

Maybe it is because I have some amount of knowledge of various biologically real animals in our world. Not a lot. There are tons of gaps in my knowledge. I am just wondering how a flippin' Sea Otter gets mistaken for a Turtle or a Penguin. Perhaps explain this to me?

I mean--no, I get it, the water types are much easier to base on animals in real life. Hence why they seem similar. As most of these are based on adaptions to living in water.

I mean, we have various wonderful creatures in our oceans here, that have adapted a lot of ways to live. Yes, some of them are similar--which would make Manaphy and Phione a complete rip off of Tentacool and Tentacruel in that sense. However, in comparison to say, the fire types. There are much less for creatures that live in a constant state of being on fire.

Yes, we have Slugma and Macargo. The only other two IRL creatures that spend a notable time on fire, are Buddhist monks and Poltergeist. Though, if we were to base a Buddhist Monk on Fire/Psychic, we'd have a lot of people referring to the resulting monster as "Carrie"--and trying for a female one.

Poltergeist is a hard one, as it kind of requires a psychic nearby. As typically, following cryptozoology, Poltergeist are not creatures--so much as the psionic abstraction of a really stressed out teenage girl. Be them apparently female, or a variant of MtF. I dunno--that would be fun to see a Shedinja style evolution here. Possibly with a six Pokemon appearing in your party of Fire/Ghost, if you have your Fire/Psychic Pokemon get sufficiently ticked off with you.

Okay, so due to the sheer lack of IRL creatures that are in reality on fire at any notable amount of time, they are kind of forced to get creative here. He have creatures that are based on various mytholigcal creatures normally to deal with fire. Such as Salamander (Charmander), Hedgehog (cyndaquil), Chicken??? (Torchic) and a Monkey. Personally, I like the idea of the last two. A six foot kick boxing chicken and a flaming monkey ARE fairly nice to stand next to.

Personally, I tend to breed my flaming kick boxing chicken in with my flaming monkey producing the following movset:

  • Fire Punch
  • Focus Energy
  • Blaze Kick
  • Double Kick
but, mostly because I really do not like the U-turn/Close Combat combo. Just personal preference here. That is my only issue with it, really.

I mean, now because we do not have animals constantly on fire, save some slugs, poltergeist (paranormal), and Buddhist monks, in comparison to a large amount of creatures that live in THE FRAKING WATER we have complaints on water types.

I really do not get how a sea otter is a ripoff of a turtle or a penguin. I do not think I will ever know.

I mean--bitching and moaning about the starters just gets a little annoying after a while. Especially when the people doing it know they are fully justified. Only to have them go back to liking them, once we get to Gen VI or Gen VII. You just know that these are the same people that will realise how wrong they are.

Next, we get into seeing the legendaries. You know what? They are legendaries. I do not give a flying crap about them. Want to know why?

Arceus is Zubat.

Hear me out here. Remember Mewtwo? A Pokemon that made use of Mew, to be compatible enough to graft all the DNA of the strongest Pokemon in the world. To make Mewtwo the greatest fighter ever conceived? Do you remember this idea that he was engineered to be God amongst Pokemon.

These are the same creatures that blink, and entire cities are in ruin.

Now, fast forward to Gen IV and Gen III. Mewtwo, while in an upper tier, generally is nothing that special. He will get his ass kicked by plenty of other legendaries just fine. Which, in my opinion, justifies his angsty state. As he was essentially made to suck sort of thing. Heck, two nonlegends are easily capable of taking him on to the point of "you mah hoe!" status, those being Wobbuffet and Garchomp.

The idea of being the bottom to Wobbuffet scares me more than being married to Bubba in prison, just to let you know. And to Mewtwo, I can understand the horror that this analogy demonstrates.

By the time, Gen VI or Gen VII comes around. Arceus will be Zubat.

So, really, the Legendaries do not interest me. what does?

Well, I really like Red Chocobo's and Zorak's additions to the world of Pokemon:

From what I have seen of Red Chocobo's take on Platinum, it is pretty awesome as well.

If anything, it is more the society, culture and the people. The world that exists in here. The folklore. The local customs. How things work and operate in this world. The flora, the fauna--the normal things.

I find the common Pokemon more interesting that the legendaries. As to me, they are more real. The legendaries do have some form--but they really are not a major or real part of people's day to day lives.

Possibly with me MSTing the whole thing as I go through it. I have been known to scream at the Tv while playing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.

I also have been noted, that if I were to design a game, I would most likely end with something on par with a Super Mario World: Kaizo difficultly level.

And--oh dear... we have Shippings starting on.. the.. characters... we only have two sketches of the characters... and people are already trying to name the shipping that they will have.

Okay, you know what? I am just going to leave this alone. As, I have never really understood the idea of shippings. I somehow watched Sailor Moon, during its original North American Tv Airing in the mid-1990s, and got through it, without bothering to really care about who ends up with who.

This concept personally troubles me.

As well--a few years later, in the Sonic Archie comics, I was fully supporting of Julie Sue and Knuckles getting together, and pointing to the idea of Sally Acorn and Sonic getting together.

Yeah, I am one of those silly Sonic fans. This is why when people try to tell me I am smart, I point out that people tell that drooling guy over there eating crayons and talking about his birthday party how people tell him that he is smart and can do anything if he tries.

Now excuse me--I am not entirely certain my vacant drooling form is quite at the right level to get phrase of "you are sooooo special and smart!". Any recommendations of colours of crayons to eat to get this status? I hear that yellow is particularly good. Purple, not so much. Yes, Purple has one of the most not worthy tastes--but itis not good to promote drooling. It really does not build the brain enough to allow for people talk about extravagant galas at Chuck E. Cheese's in Hawaii either. I mean, the more the mentally retarded kids talk about that stuff, the more their care taker tells them, "oh, you are sooooo smart. You can do anything!"

So, yes, I guess, being a Sonic fan, could put me in a similar "very special and intelligent" level of regarding.

I mean, the only shippings I can ever think I have ever done (or even remotely cared about) were to deal with Sonic the Hedgehog at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

So quite clearly, I am not at the sage enough level to understand these concepts or ideas. I know they are there. However, much like most people can turn on a Tv, without noting how Liquid Crystal Displays or Cathode Ray Tubes operate, I will note that they are part of my world, even if I cannot understand their inner workings. This also means, I will not poke around with their insides. Like most people should probably not be poking around in a Television set.

Why do I even bother?

I mean, these are the same fans that refer to moves as "OMG HAX!" (which is on the level, in my mind, with people saying that stuff in CounterStrike). They call game modifications "Game Hacks"--which would make CounterStrike a Halflife "Hack" in comparison. As most of what they are doing with Pokemon Games are the same stuff that was done on DOOM I and DOOM II to allow for FPS modifications. Also similar stuff was done on games like X-Com, various D&D RPG Systems and Fallout, to make modifications in Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3 seem to be common place.

However, it is not like these are not educated people here. I mean, look at their tools. Done in... Visual Basic 5 and Java. The Java one (shoddy) is done by somebody, who in my only real conversation with him, claimed to attend the University of Alberta. When questioned the location of the Sciences Campus, he did not seem to understand that various UoA Campuses are scattered all over Alberta. With the Sciences Campus being located in Camrose, a small city south east of Edmonton with no major transport to and from Edmonton. He kept saying I was weird, for the suggestions that all the campuses were not in one spot--and chiding me for going to the lesser NAIT--and Institute of Technology.

These same highly educated people, who do not release their source to a buggy Visual Basic 5 application, because they do not want people to steal their code.

When it IS Open Source, they do silly things, like hard coding various numbers into them. Like the RNG reporter that has an entire section that generates a small in memory database as something to be compiled into the resulting binary. Rather than say, maybe making a database that could be customised.

It is irritating to see various best practices, such as MVC, modular coding, scripting and large amounts of stuff in PEP-8 not in anyway present in these.

And I have no issue with running something for the JVM. Go crazy. The JVM is actually surprisingly well designed. The language Java, however, is not. If you ARE going to work with the JVM, allowing your software to enter into enterprise areas, I would suggest going with Clojure or JRuby. If Jython was not still based on python version 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, apparently 2.5 (for reference the current stable of Python is 2.6, and testing is 2.7 and 3.0). I would also suggest that. And if that coder who promised to release Jerl 6 would do her job...

I mean, you know what? Maybe, I am not the only one crazy enough to suggest a C based framework to do a set of libraries for Pokemon applications. Be them to modify games, simulate or just be elaborate calculators? C based frameworks that follow a large amount of those books on programming theory made in the 1970s. Which suck. of course. I mean, how could they know about efficient code? I mean, they STILL were working within 64KiB of RAM. Computers were the sizes of small houses. Efficiency in software obviously was not something they knew at all. I mean, today, we are totally better. I mean, my program can totally run in 4GiB of RAM, with a 1TiB Harddrive--why am I suggesting it is bad, that we should require this, for something that this could be done on your old 486 with only 16MiB of RAM. Can't I tell that we are doing so much more with our processors today? er--going off on another rant here.

Evidentially, I am not eating enough paint chips to understand these people's really intelligent ideas.

Also, I apologise for the links to wikipedia here. Most of those however, are just for general knowledge of the subject. There are generally better ways to look into the subject-based on your Operating System of choice.


Suddenly... life starts making sense.

Right... in the after math of: I Just Talk Too Much.

[14:21:09] <hil0> you can't diss someone for not dropping stuff
[14:21:19] <hil0> and then diss this person again when he/she tries
[14:21:31] <hil0> that's just not fair. in any way.
[14:21:42] <kusuriya> you can :P i do it a lot, you keep dissing them in an effort to get them to learn to drop things quick
[14:21:43] <kusuriya> IMO
[14:21:58] <hil0> ...what a backwards way of thinking
[14:22:07] <kusuriya> it works for most normal people
[14:22:10] <hil0> then you get no appreciation for trying to change your ways O_o< [14:22:15] <kusuriya> its how i learned to drop things quick
[14:22:26] <hil0> ...and since when is dake "a normal person"?
[14:22:34] <kusuriya> this is also true
[14:22:36] <hil0> I dun think that will work on her
[14:22:42] <hil0> I think she's like me
[14:22:49] <kusuriya> it may not
[14:22:52] <hil0> needs shown appreciation to keep wanting to change
[14:22:58] <hil0> if that would happen to me
[14:23:10] <kusuriya> but eventually it will piss her off enough that she just wont try to do arguments with any of us :P

Actually no... when I get pissed off, the last thing I am going to do is shut up. No--then it just has me yell at you just a little bit more... possibly moving to violence.

Sigh--this reminds me of High School... well, my High School life before Columbine happened. I will note that all the other students kind of stopped teasing me so much AFTER Columbine... they kind of started being nice to me.

Which kind of says something, when other kids are scared I will shoot them the fuck up, when our school, at the time, was on a Military Base, with the Military Police Station just a few blocks away.

[14:23:22] <kusuriya> me
[14:23:26] <kusuriya> ive personally just given up
[14:23:29] <hil0> I would just say "fuck it people don't care if I try and change or not, obviously, they just like to harass me for being this way and it will never change no matter what"

Oh, hey... look at that... I have entire blog where I bitch and scream about that sort of crap. Funny story that too.

[14:23:36] <kusuriya> if i dont have to say anything i just ignore her
[14:23:51] <hil0> and then I would stop trying.
[14:24:05] <kusuriya> then everyone just harasses you more every time you do it
[14:24:12] <kusuriya> its peer pressure thats how it works

Uh-Kusu... perhaps... maybe.. no.. yes! Let us go with the idea that this is a hypothesis on this here.

First off, some of you may not understand what the fuck kusu is thinking here. Lets give a little setting shall we:

This crap is happening in an irc channel named #rantradio on FreeNode. This is an irc network for Rant Media, whose front man has is known for screaming his head off on various topics of varying importance.

Okay--okay... let us go over how what kusu said here is possibly the most mentally retarded thing I have ever considered.

Gay people.

Those damned gay people. I mean--if peer pressure worked, there would be none of those damned gay people walking around. Or transsexuals. Women would still be chained to the stove, popping out babies every nine months. Black people would still be picking cotton and saying "yesa massah!".

I mean, I grew up in a very conservative small oil town in Alberta, Canada. Which for those of you not aware of what that is like--it is like growing up in a small town in Texas... except a lot more conservative and closed minded.

Yet--I still have my own opinions on various subjects that kind of make the idea of Peer Pressure seem bloody retarded.

So--why does this work on some people, and not others? Well, going with the Jung Typology tests, you get people like us. The ENFP.

And you know what? Only about two or three percent of the people are ENFP.

There you go, Kusu--you appear just like the rest of the population. You are a very special creature humans. I mean--that is what I will define humans as: Very Special.

Edit: apparently editing posts on this site which contain angle braces confused the crap out of it.

Fucking Gay Ass Stigma

Okay--the Stigma on the Gay community is still there. You would think that people would respond to Gay Pride with something like Breathing Oxygen Pride really. It is a rather normal concept (to me anyways) for somebody to like something different that somebody else does not like. Well-except Mikie... he will like everything (and confusing pop culture reference in place).

It is annoying really.

I point out that Adam Sandler's movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry was oddly well researched. In that it seemed to include a lot of elements from the pride communities. Rather than just being like watching Zoolander.

Compare to Adam Sandler's other concepts:

Billy Madison: no research put into this. Mostly just Adam Sandler looking like an idiot on camera.

Happy Gilmour: about the only information on Golf is the same that could be gained from watching tv for five minutes... maybe driving past the Golf Course.

Little Nicki: Mostly just a large amounts of jokes on popular culture's image of what the son of the devil would be. Not that there is much of a subject to research really, so much as a few vague ideas in pop culture to mock.

Then we get to Chuck and Larry. This movie quotes various anthropological texts on animal habits, it quotes legal statutes in place, it shows a large amount of clues as to inside information on the Gay community. I mean--yes, we frown on that large guy in pink dancing around as a butterfly--but he does appear in real life... way too often. We have the large black guy that people think is tough just because he is big enough to kick people's ass. But turns out being the kind that looks like Tarzan, but talks like Jane.

I mean--I was personally expecting this to be another Zoolander myself. However when I comment that this movie is not, but instead looks like Adam Sandler is possibly entering into more serious cinema... I get:

"Are you suggesting Adam Sandler is gay?"

Okay--let us step back for a bit... just step back here.

Let us go with the idea that perhaps maybe if the movie had been a comparatively more seriously research light comedy on origami or stamp collecting, if anybody would care here.

Had Adam Sandler's first sorie into more dramatic works had been about Bass Fishing maybe, would people respond when you remark that it seemed different from what you expect of him?

No, the guy is a fucking actor. I mean, if Carrot Top did a move like this, it would seem weird. If Ben Stiller did that too, it would get the same response.

I mean, the only reason that Jim Carrey did not get this for the Truman Show was well--he was trying to move outside of Comedy.

Wait? Jim Carrey's first move from Comedy was the Truman Show... what am I suggesting here? That Jim Carrey has spent all of his life, being tricked into living in a 24/7 reality Tv show where he was living an old sit com?

Clearly, if by suggesting that Adam Sandler is gay by remarking that Chuck and Larry was not another Zoolander like I was expect (and I expect many others too)--then clearly, this law applies to Jim Carrey being an unaware sitcom Tv subject.

Gah! Stupid idiots!